Saturday, August 22, 2009

Last Few Lazy Days...

So if you know me, you know I love school. I love to take as many credits as I possibly can because part of me loves that manic feeling of wondering if I can actually get it all done. There's a thrill in looking at my class schedule and realizing that I will spend more time studying then I will sleeping. Half way through the semester I always have a moment where I wonder what in heaven's name I got myself into and I always forget that moment when it's time to sign up for classes again. Anyway, this was my last weekend before school starts on Monday and so I decided to live it the laziest way possible. I cleaned my room and the bathroom yesterday morning, but after a couple of hours of cleaning I watched hours of trashy TV, made pizza with Karlie, watched the Hannah Montana movie (DON'T JUDGE) and ate some chocolate. Today has been a little more of the same, and while I do feel as though I've not accomplished anything I keep reminding myself that after Monday my days to be lazy will be in short supply if they exist at all. Don't get me wrong, I adore school with all my heart, I was just reveling in the last few lazy days of summer...

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