Monday, August 23, 2010

Remember that one time...

that I went to Macbeth? Oh yes. I do. And remember how I loved it? I sure do. And remember how at one part, Macbeth (who was played to absolute and sheer perfection by Grant Goodman) stood a mere three inches from me? Yeah. I most definitely do. I actually held my breath for most of the show. It was by far and away one of the most amazing things that I have ever seen.

In other news, school starts today. Now usually I'm bouncing off the walls, jumping around like a Mexican bean at the thought of school beginning again, but this semester I'm not so much so excited. Part of it might have to do with that terrible, mind numbing, brain killing, stress inducing subject that is math 1010. Okay all of it. I'm taking a geography class, which should be fun and fairly simple, but every time I see MATH 1010 in my list of online courses a small part of me dies. I loathe math.


Baby Sister said...

Hey! I loathe Math too! We should be friends. I'm taking 1050 this semester...hopefully I'll pass it this time...bleh. Good luck!!

Amy said...

Mmm I'm sorry about that. On the plus side, Math requires a newly sharpened pencil and a fresh notebook. That's worth loving right?

Erin said...

MAL. I saw Macbeth this summer too, and yes. You are correct. I don't think I breathed the entire time. It was SO, SO GOOD. that was the first time I've ever seen it, and I already know that no other production will be as magical.

I also saw Pride and Prejudice, and the guy that was MacDuff was Mr. Darcy, so I had a special love for MacDuff because of that.

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