Friday, September 24, 2010

Currently Reading...

Can I please just tell you how much I love this book? This cute girl recommended it to me. (Since when do the kids that I used to babysit get to recommend books to me? They will forever be small, small children playing dress up in my mind.) Anne Fadiman (besides spelling her first name the right way) has a fresh writing style; (and this is cheesy, don't even judge) but when I read this book I feel like I'm sitting on a squeaky porch swing on a cool, cloudy day. It's pure delight and confection. I HIGHLY suggest you get your own copy because I'm not sharing. Loves!!


Baby Sister said...

I'll have to look into it. It looks good. :)

Unknown said...

I'll have to look into it too. And for the record, spelling Ann without an e isn't awful. Some really cool people spell their middle name that way. :)

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