Thursday, May 8, 2008

Captian Grouchy Pants...

So for the last couple of days I've been grouchy. Really grouchy. It's due to many many circumstances that I don't really feel like discussing over the internet, BUT I've found a way to cure my case of the grouchies. It's something that I used to do on the mission when things really sucked and I've tweaked it just a little (and I kinda got the idea from Jess from a cute post she did on her blog)... So here it is...a list of a few of my favorite things...

Liquid sanity. I love Dr. Pepper. It soothes my soul and gives me the needed caffeine boost so that I don't do anything really crazy while I'm at work. Like yell at a customer or kill one of the courtesy clerks when they talk back to me. Thank you Dr. Pepper for your calming influence.

My all time favorite show...and I suppose I should put Logan on here too since he's the one who gave me all 7 seasons when I came home from my mission. I feel wittier and smarter after an hour spent with Rory and Lorelai, my knowledge of pop culture grows with each outrageous minute in Stars Hollow. Huzzah for the Gilmore Girls.

My scriptures...slightly cheesy I know BUT it's not just any set of scriptures, we're talking my mission scriptures, the set that has all the tiny cramped handwriting and things like "Holy cow!" and "Woah dang!" written next to scriptures. Priceless.

The fact that Hillary Clinton isn't doing so well in the Primaries... that is a definite cheer up. If she wins, I'm moving out the the country...Hey, I might get to see Europe finally.

Books books books!! I've already written a whole post about them and let's be honest if you know me well enough to read my blog then you already know about my ultimate obsession so I won't bore you with anymore gushing...

My family...once again, slightly cheesy, but true. I think that they're all pretty darn cute.

Music...yay for something that can match my mood exactly. I love flipping through my iPod and finding the perfect song and blasting it while I drive to where ever...

And last but not least...Earnest... My car. I love that all I have to do is get in it and drive away. I love the feeling of knowing that no one can say that I can't do this or go here because they need the car. It's mine..all mine. Now, this is not a real picture of Earnest, models were used for this shot, but I think you get the idea.

In true Julie Andrews fashion, these are just a few of my favorite things...hmmm...I feel considerably less grumpy now...I think I'm going to clean my room....


aubrie said...

I like your favorite things! I feel less grumpy already, too. Thanks for coming over last night, it was so fun to see you again. And just remember: the Office. Soon.

Amy said...

Way to "top-10 your grouchies out"! :) That's supposed to sound like that kid song "shake shake shake my wiggles out, shake shake shake my wiggles out..." it might sound like that and you might not konw what I'm talking about, but that's what it's like. :)

I like the top 10 list, I'm now officially craving all of those things.

macbezz said...

I thought it was pretty funny that Gilmore Girls made you feel whitier-- though I think you probably meant something else.

Jessica and Reece said...

Well definitely take the cake on the favorite things post :) Also, we need to have a Gilmore Girls party...I ALWAYS turn to Lorelei and Rory when I am grumpy, sick or lazy. I even got my husband hooked!

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