Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Ch ch ch changes....

So sometimes I just crave change. Usually this means I'll rearrange my room or re-alphabetize my books, maybe buy a new movie...lately I've been craving change even more then normal. So I did two slightly drastic things...I dyed my hair brown (not dark brown, not coffee brown, light brown, but still brown) and then I cut it. I love getting my hair cut. It's relaxing and I always feel so much better afterwards. My hair's not that much shorter or too different, but it's enough to make me feel better. And all this got me to thinking. There are somethings in life that we can change, that we can have some sort of effect on, but there are many many other things that we have absolutely no say in. Life is funny like that. Things can change in an instant. Recently one of my good friends lost her father in a tragic accident. Everything in her life is now drastically different then it was 3 weeks ago. As I've watched her cope with it, it's made me wonder how I would react if my life changed so quickly. I can't really tell you what I would do or say if it was me, there are just somethings that we can't plan, some changes that are just so unexpected. Other changes are great...just a few off the top of my head that I'm looking forward to...moving back to Provo in the fall, reorganizing the service desk at work so it makes sense, school and attempting to learn to teach high school kids... All sorts of good things can come from change if we let them. But that's what it all comes down to, using our agency to allow the changes in our lives to shape us in the right ways.


Corey said...

As they say "Change is good." So where is the pic of your color and cut?

Amy said...

I wanna see the new hair! As long as changes are limited to re-alphabatizing and organizing desks, I'm good, but I'm scared of the rest - hats off to you for being good at it! :)

Kim said...

Yeah, let's see the hair! By the way, we just got put in one of our ward's 4 nurseries. Maybe you can give me some suggestions :)

Tasha said...

Well, hello there!!!

Just have to say hi, even though I say hi every day at work, didn't know you were a blogger!

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