Monday, January 25, 2010


So, I loved this idea that Jess coped from one of her friends. I'm going to continue the tradition and cop it from Jess...I sure hope she doesn't mind. Anyway, I'd love to know who actually reads this blog just for my own curiosity, SO if you do, go ahead and leave me a note. And don't you little worry, I won't care if you're some random person that I don't even know... 


Mike and Mindy Williams said...

I guess I get to be the first one to comment...I read, and I love it!

malari said...

I read it! :)

Taylor said...

oh me too!

Amy said...

I'm pretty sure you already know I read (because I can't seem to keep my big mouth shut and think you care about my opinion on EVERYTHING)..... but count me in too!

Emily said...

me :)

Malinda said...

oh I fetching read your blog...almost religiously!

Corey said...

Yep I read!

Amanda Petersen said...

Let's be honest Mal...I definitely read your blog and I definitely enjoy it. Especially all the references to Gilmore Girls! Still one of the best!

Kerry said...

You know that I do...I'm our Mom! you amaze me, please me and I find you very funny!! love you!

Ashley said...

Never miss a post!

Erin said...

Every chance I get :)

Unknown said...

Hey Brother...

Well, Aren't I glad that I stopped in for this one. I read the posts from time to time. :-) Just to let you know.

Natalie said...

I'm reading!

Liz said...

i read!! and i miss having practically every class with you. :(

Kaylea said...

me too!

Traci said...

I read it!

Emzwee said...

I love your blog, obviously I don't check my blogs as often as I should, but always enjoy it.

Jenn Mecham said...

I guess I'm a little late on this one. But I of course read your Blog. I Love all the things you have to say. I miss you dear Cousin!

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