Thursday, February 26, 2009


You know those times where you're just happy? For no particular reason, happiness has decided to settle it's self upon you and let's be honest, you're grateful for it? Today is one of those days. I'm just happy. There's not a specific event that has contributed to it, no exact person, it's a general thing. I think that part of it has to do with the fact that my dreaded Spanish presentation is over and done with for the semester. That was a huge load to get it out of the way, because let's be honest my Spanish teacher is scary. But it's spring now, and that makes evil Spanish teachers not matter as much. My friend Julina got her mission call today and I'm so excited for her. My headache is better today, which makes things much happier. Basically, there's just lots of really great things. While I'm at it, I'll tell you a few more, because let's be honest, who doesn't want to hear about great things?

*Contracts are selling like crazy at work
*My apartment is actually staying clean, which is a miracle in and of it's self
*It's Thursday which is my absolute favorite day of the week
*I get to watch The Office tonight, I love The Office, a little Jim and Pam makes the world a better place, plus, come on, how could I forget Dwight?
*I get to have a friend in my office again today. Sherry and I have fun when we get to work together
*I only have 105 Spanish problems to do, but it's all subjunctive, I love subjunctive.
*I made a new mix last night that is amazing and I have time to listen to it at work. I love music.
*I ONLY have 3 exams next week, which could be 4, so I'm looking on the bright side.

Isn't my life seriously SO blessed? I'm almost as happy as TAMN...


Kim said...

You are hilarious! I love this post! I'm glad you're happy and seriously so blessed :)

Amy said...

oh how I love unexplained happiness! Keep enjoying it!

Jessica and Reece said...

You are so cute. You deserve to have happy days! Where are you working?

Ashley said...

Mal, your optimism is so inspiring! Thank you for that. It cheered up my day and reminded me I need to be happy about all the little things that are going right in my life. We're excited to see you guys in April when we come for Corey's wedding!

Mal Mecham said...

Jess, I'm an apt. manager in Provo, so I sit in an office four hours a day and basically end up giving all the tenants who live in the complex all sorts of advice because I'm typically trapped there all alone. So having a friend with me is great because I can pretend to be REALLY busy when the people I don't care for come to visit... :)

Annette said...

Yea for happy! I'm super jealous that you actually kept going with your Spanish. All those days in Sr. ?'s class were wasted for me... But at least we got to oogle over Ben Buckner ;)

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