Thursday, February 25, 2010


...I worry when I'm walking down the stairs that I'm going to twist my ankle. I know that it's completely irrational, but I've done it so many times that I'm always worried that I'll do it again.

...people call my desk and ask for John Huntsman. He's the US Ambassador to China, so let me just transfer you right on over to Beijing.

...I remember that my job is 1200 times better then most people's jobs.

...I am fed lunch at work. (Like the past 2 days, we've had catered events by two of my favorite caterers. Huzzah for not eating campus food.)

...I spend 14 hours on campus. (Case in point: Today I had to work both my jobs, go to class and a study session. This is not in any way a complaint, solely an observation.)

...I walk and read. I was doing this very thing this morning on my way to the Trax station.

...I dye my hair kinda crazy colors. Right now I'm on a brown and red kick. It's more of a violet red then actual red. I love it. sister and I talk to each other in movie quotes and it's amazing.

...I spend entirely too much money buying books on Amazon. I need to attend a support group.

...I wear black. (Okay, all the time. Karlie says she's going to send me to a support group for that and argyle. I maintain that I can stop any time I want.)

...I read TV blogs when I'm bored at work.

...I twirl my hair when I'm nervous. This is why my hair is so thin. I yank it out.

...I just want to run and hide underneath the covers on my bed instead of dealing with the real world. No, I'm not 4 years old anymore, but I have days where I wish I was.

...I blog stalk.


Unknown said...'s good to know that at least some things don't change.

Chelsie said...

I'm blog stalking you! I love you babe!!

Ashley said...

Oh Mal I love you and I love your blog!

Megan said...

Can I just say that this is exactly all the reasons why I love you so much! You're amazing!

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